Key Data:
Builder: Stadt Knittlingen (Baden-Württemberg)
Planner: protec ingenieure, Heilbronn
Year of construction: 2022
Watersurface: 604 m²
Key Data:
Builder: Gemeinde Wattwil, Kanton St. Gallen
Architect: FormaTeam AG, Bütschwil
Planner: Beck Schwimmbadbau AG
Year of construction: 2021 - 2022
Watersurface: 1.200 m² + 137 m² (Diving-Pool)
Builder: Stadt Baden, Kanton Aargau
Planner: Beck Schwimmbadbau AG
Year of contstruction: 2021-2022
Water surface: Wavepool 1.367 m², Kidspool 202 m²
Builder: Gemeinde Schwarzach (Baden-Württemberg)
Planner: protec ingenieure, Heilbronn
Year of contstruction: 2021-2022
Water surface: 510 m²
Builder: Stadt Gaggenau
Planner: IGP Ingenieurgesellschaft für technische Ausrüstung mbH, Pforzheim
Year of contstruction: 2021
Water surface: 690 m²
The pool landscape was perfectly embedded in the recreation area and retreat between the mountains, our pools (25m pool and aquafit pool, the children's pool and the wave slide) with modern water treatment technology offer an exclusive experience.
Key Data:
Builder: City Lech
Planner: architecture office Pichler
Year of construction: 2019/2020
Water surface: 700 m²
Photo: City Lech
The heated 50 meter swimmer pool, the 26 meter long wide wave slide, the diving system, the flow channel, the underwater bubble loungers, the underwater tunnel, the neck showers and the children's paddling pool with slide ensure an experience in the Filple Bad.
Key Data:
Builder: City Oberderdingen
Planner: Protec Ingenieure
Year of construction: 2019/2020
Water surface: 1.226 m²
Photo: City Oberderdingen
Die vielseitige Badelandschaft bietet mit separaten Kinderbereich und nicht Schwimmerbecken, ein Schwimmbecken mit Sprungturm, sowie einer Wellenrutsche jede Menge Vergnügen für Groß und Klein.
Key Data:
Builder: City Haigerloch
Planner: L & P Beratende Ingenieure GmbH
Year of construction: 2019/2020
Water surface: 1.096 m²
Photo: hsb
Für den sportlich ambitionierten Schwimmer bietet man ein 50 m Becken mit mehreren Bahnen, Startblöcken und einem 1 m Sprungbrett + 3m Sprungturm. Im Nichtschwimmerbecken finden Groß und Klein Badevergnügen. Mit einer Schaukelbucht und zwei Rutschenvarianten kann der Badespaß beginnen. Die kleinen Gäste können die ersten Berührungen mit dem Wasser spielerisch im Planschbecken mit einer Kleinrutsche erfahren.
Key Data :
Builder: Stadtwerke Waldshut-Tiengen
Planner: Fritz Planung GmbH
Year of construction: 2018 / 2019, Opening 2020
Water surface: 995 m²
Photo: Juliane Vatter
We have rehabilitated the basins and the water treatment.
The pools were planned for sports, families and fun. The 25 m sports pool with disabled access, the family pool, the Springer pool and the children's wading pool were accordingly separated from each other.
Key Data:
Builder: Marktgemeinde Andorf
Planner: Architekturbüro Team M
Year of construction: 2017/2018
Water surface: 850 m²
Photo: hsb
Das Freibad besticht mit einem 50 Meter langen Schwimmbecken. Attraktion des Bades ist die drei Meter breite und elf Meter lange Edelstahl-Breitrutsche, die neben dem fünf Meter hohen Sprungturm für großen Andrang sorgt. Außerdem gibt es ein neues Planschbecken.
Key Data:
Builder: Stadt Andernach
Planner: soluto plan GmbH, Architekten | Ingenieure
Year of construction: 2019 - 2020
Water surface: 1.300 m²
Key Data:
Builder: Stadt Rottenburg a.d. Laaber, K-U-R-O-L Kommunalunternehmen
Planner: Ingenieurbüro Kienlein
Year of construction: 2019
Water surface: 970 m²
Key Data:
Builder: Gemeinde Oberengstringen
Planner: Hägi Riatsch Architektur
Year of construction: Juli bis November 2018
Water surface: 145 m²
The visitors have 5 pools with a total water surface of approx. 2.000 m² available.
The "Z-Basin" was renovated by us with the water treatment and the new attractions are: A flow channel, air bubble plates, swimming lanes and a wide-wave slide
Key data
Builder: Marktgemeinde Wattens
Planner: Architekturbüro Pichler
Year of construction: 2018
Water surface: 850 m²
In the new outdoor pool is waiting a 50 meters pool, in a combination of swimmers and non-swimmers. There is also a separate children's pool and a children's playground, as well as a gastronomic offer.
Key Data
Builder: Stadtwerke Freudenstadt GmbH
Planner: 4a architekten (Architektur), ES-Becken + WAB Ingenieurbüro L&P
Year of construction: 2017/2018
Water surface: 677 m²
Photo: hsb/Freudenstadt GmbH
Für den Wasserspaß stehen mehrere Becken zur Verfügung: ein 50 m langes Schwimmerbecken, einen großen Nichtschwimmerbereich mit Rutsche, ein Kleinkinderbecken und ein Sprungbecken mit 1m-Sprungbrettern und einem Dreimeterturm.
Key Data:
Builder: Verbandsgemeinde Nieder-Olm
Planner: Bremer & Bremer
Year of construction: phase SWB + SÜB + KPB 2009/2010 phase Experiencepool 2016/2017
Water surface: phase SWB + SÜB + KPB 1.074 m² phase Experiencepool 670 m²
The Lido Thumersbach - with additional solar heated 25m swimming pool
Key data:
Builder: Leisure center Zell am See
Planner: TB PRO PLAN GmbH.
Year of construction: 2016 - 2017
Water surface: 312 m²
The citizens of Gottmading received a new lido area including many attractions as two waterslides, a high end baby bay and best training condtions for swimmers.
Key Data:
Builder: Gemeinde Gottmading
Planner: Planungsbüro Bauraum-Konstanz
Year of construction: 2014-2015
Water surface: 1.500m²
In addition to a 25 metre and a 50 metre sports pool, the other attractions include an Aquafit pool, an experience pool with a flow channel, a wave ball, two slides, as well as a diving pool.
Key data:
Builder: Walgau Freizeit & Infrastruktur GmbH
Planner: Architect bureau Pichler
Year of construction: 2014 - 2015
Water surface: 2.000 m²
Key data:
Builder: Communauté Urbaine de Strasbourg
Planner: Urbane Kultur
Year of construction: 2014
Water surface: 380 m²
Neben dem Frei- bzw. Nichtschwimmerbereich stehen dem Besucher weitere Attraktionen wie Breitwasserrutsche, Sprungturm (3 m und 1 m) sowie Sprudelliegen zur Verfügung. Im Kleinkinderbecken Wasserkanone, Wasserspiel mit Drehrad, Wasserpilz und verschiedenen Bodenspritzelementen)
Key data:
Builder: Stadtwerke Karlstadt am Main
Planner: Stadtverwaltung Karlstadt am Main
Year of construction: 2014
Water surface: 1.416 m²
Key data:
Builder: Ville de Pau
Planner: Brochet Lajus Pueyo
Year of construction: 2014
Water surface: 1.474 m²
A multi-purpose pool for bathing guests of all ages.
Key data:
Builder: Gemeinde Biebergemünd
Planner: protec ingenieure
Year of construction: 2011 - 2012
Water surface: 427 m²
Bathing fun in Northern Finland. A special type of indoor experience. Including impressive architecture.
Key data:
Builder: Saimaa Rauha
Planner: PÖYRY Finland OY
Year of construction: 2011
Water surface: 570 m²
The latest LED technology combined with a stainless steel pool highlights the options that this combination has in terms of the complex colour scheme.
Key data:
Builder: Stadtwerke Neuwied
Planner: BLASS Architekten
Year of construction: 2007
Water surface: 2.121 m²
The Forchheim indoor and outdoor pool complex offers bathing fun of the highest standards - both indoor and out!
Key data:
Builder: Stadtwerke Forchheim
Planner: PLAFOG Planungs GmbH
Year of construction: 2008 - 2009
Water surface: 2.571 m²
Swimming pool – Non-swimmer pool – Whirlpool – Diving pool – Children's plunge pool
Key data:
Builder: Stadt Attnang-Puchheim
Planner: PG Ernst Karl
Year of construction: 2004 - 2005
Water surface: 1.155 m²
The worldwide first swimmingpool made of stainless steel, situated in Pfarrwerfen, is our first and oldest reference. This pool is - apart from adaptions to the change of the law - unchanged and in operation.
Key Data:
Builder: Gemeinde Pfarrwerfen
Year of construction: 1969-1970
Watersurface: 556 m²